Design, maintain and manage a hi-tech hospital facility, making the most of limited resources and turning cures into cash. This game is a piece of art and definitely the best "hospital" simulation so check it out. Its a matter of laugh or death in Theme Hospital, another installment of the Theme series.
From there it’s up to you to move your way up in the health care industry.Ī hospital simulator is not something you might consider a good theme for a game but the guys from Bullfrog Productions were famous for creating innovative and fun titles from the craziest idea-and Theme Hospital no exception. Train your staff, upgrade machines, research new cures and spread your healthcare organisation across the whole of Two Point County. You start off small with an empty building, a few doctors, a general diagnostic, a pharmacy, a reception desk, and a few other necessities. Finding treatments for such diseases is a part of your job, but there’s no prescription to cure the insanity that may result from trying to figure out those cures. You are invited to build a fantastic theme hospital Build a dream hospital with your smart strategy NOW And expand it to the most famous and supreme hospital in the world BUILD YOUR THEME HOSPITAL FREELY There are plenty of rooms, decorations and.
You might think that someone's illness is not a laughing matter but wait till you see a patient with KingComplex dressed as Elvis or serious case of Hairyitis caused from prolonged exposure to the moon. Theme Hospital is described as business simulation game developed by Bullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in 1997, in which the player designs and operates a hospital.Like most of Bullfrogs games, Theme Hospital is permeated by an eccentric sense of humour and is an game in the games category. Download Fun Hospital - Tycoon is back and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Rich, who also directs the Center on Media and. If there is one word that describes Theme Hospital then it has to be "hilarious." Almost everything in this game is made with great dose of humour. Experts quoted in a DecemWashington Post articleincluding Michael Rich, MPH ’97 and an associate professor in the Department of Society, Human Development, and Health at Harvard School of Public Healthraised doubts about the wisdom of allowing very young children to use iPads. No matter how you look at it, you're in control of a very sick hospital. Zaínáte pouze s obrysovými zdmi nemocnice a mení sumou na. Celá hra stejn jako ostatní Theme paby je zaloena na detailní propracovanosti. Budete tak mít anci ukázat, zda jste schopni se postarat o tak velkou instituci. The Grim Reaper stalks the corridors, the ill have some very odd ailments, and the staff want to play doctors and nurses together. Ve he Theme Hospital máte jedinenou píleitost stát se primái a majiteli nemocnice. It's a matter of laugh or death in Theme Hospital™, another installment of the Theme series.